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Last updated
$BNY is the governance token of Bunnybox
BNY Token Supply Cap: The total supply of BNY tokens currently stands at
The supply cap remains fixed unless a governance proposal advocating for its expansion is proposed and ratified. Upon the successful passage of such a proposal, the revised supply cap will be implemented following a 14-day time lock period.
BNY tokens can be utilized for staking purposes to acquire veBNY. The daily emission rate is set at 75,000 tokens.
The supply of BNY tokens will not undergo any increase unless a corresponding governance proposal is put forth and successfully passed. In the event of an approved proposal to adjust the token supply cap, the alteration will be implemented following a 14-day time lock period.
veBNY serves as the governance token for the protocol, granting holders increased voting authority in protocol governance matters. Users can acquire veBNY by locking BNY tokens.
Holding veBNY provides users with protocol-generated income and BNY rewards. The minting of veBNY tokens occurs upon users' locking of BNY tokens and will be subject to burning as the lock duration decreases.
2% is unlocked at TGE, 42% is unlocked linearly every month over 6 years
Liquidity Insentive
Unlocked linearly over 5 years for EXLP and veCOF holder
Ecosystem Fund
Unlocked linearly every month over 5 years
DAO Treasury
2 year cliff, unlocked linearly every month over 6 years and used according to the DAO proposals.
Liquidity Pool
100% unlocked during TGE
Public Offering
100% unlocked during TGE
1 year cliff, unlocked linearly every month over 2 years
1 year cliff, unlocked linearly every month for 2 years